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Food License Permit Renewals

Food Facility License Application - Renewals Only


Required Fees Based on Facility Type/Priority *
(Your plan reviewer will assess your facility and assign a type/priority which will determine the required fee from the list below:)

Statement of Waste Hauler Service
The City requires all food facilities to dispose of waste daily or as needed to avoid unsanitary conditions. Check the option below and provide the requested information:*




Statement of Tobacco Licensee
Maryland tobacco license holders and applicants must:
Provide Maryland license number(if known):
Initial next to each statement below to indicate understanding:



Selling cigarettes, other tobacco products or electronic smoking devices to anyone under the age of 18 is illegal, even if, they have a note or claim it is for an adult. Request photo ID from anyone who appears younger than 27.


Selling individual cigarettes is illegal. Minimum pack size is 20.


Place tobacco products and electronic smoking devices out of reach of anyone under 18.


All staff must be aware and understand these rules before being allowed to sell any merchandise.